Author: Raghvendra Dubey
In India, Shatavari is considered the women’s equivalent to Ashwagandha. The name translates to “she who possesses 100 husbands”, referring to the herbs rejuvenative effect upon the female reproductive organs. This sweet and bitter herb best known as a female rejuvenative having effects on the female reproductive system
Shatavari helps in restoring (natural healing) the damaged metabolism/cells/system on human body and helps it in faster recovery. Shatavari is also known as natural coolant of body having anti-inflammatory qualities. This herb is known to increase sattwa, or positivity and healing power. It also enhances the feelings of spiritual love, and increases ojas. Shatavari also helps in treating ulcers and acidity related complaints.
Healing qualities of Shatavari are very effective on the female reproductive system related problems. It helps in minimizing the women’s complaints related to menstrual cycles (Shatavari minimizes the pain, controls the loss of blood and other fluids during menstrual cycle) and balancing the female hormonal system. It also helps in decreasing the inflammation of female sexual organs, in fighting tiredness and morning sickness, helps in problems related to infertility, leucorrhea, and in regulating ovulation etc, which occur during the menopause cycle. Those women, who face problems of hot flashes, they should try combination of Shatavari and Kama Duba.
Shatavari is used as an ingredient in herbal mixtures, which fight against impotence, weakness in sexual activities and sexual organs, inflammation of sexual organs, and a condition called Spermatorrhea.
Shatavari contains a chemical composition, which is diuretic in nature, and helps in fighting infectious conditions such as bladder infections, intestinal infections etc. Because of its properties, Shatavari is used in dysentery, cystitis and such internal infection conditions.
Along with all the above uses, Shatavari is also used in treatment of chronic fever, dehydration, inflammation of internal walls of the heart and lungs, etc. Combination of Shatavari and other herbs is also used to treat ailments and other problems.
Latin Name: Asparagus racemosus
Family: Asparagaceae
Synonym: Shatavari, Indian Asparagus, Hundred Roots, Asparagus roots, Tian men dong
Doshas: Vata, Pitta. Shatavari helps in treating (balancing) ‘Pitta dosha’.
Parts Used : Roots (Rhizomes) and leaves.
Geographical Source: Grows in low jungles areas throughout India.
Properties: Nutritive tonic, rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, galactogogue, laxative, antispasmodic, antacid, diuretic, antitumor, demulcent, powerful anabolic.
- Good for eyes, muscles, reproductive organs, increases milk secretion and helps to regain vigour and vitality.
- Useful for infertility, impotence and general sexual debility, decreased libido, threatened miscarriage, menopause, leucorrhea, and has the ability to balance pH in the cervical area.
- Used to treat gastrointestinal disorders (eg. Hyperacidity, stomach ulcers, diarrhea.) and as an external wash for wounds.
- Useful in cases of bronchitis and chronic fevers. It is believed to bring into balance all of the body’s fluids.
- Nourishes and cleanses the blood and the female reproductive organs.
- Used in for those who have had hysterectomies, as it supplies many female hormones. It nourishes the ovum and increases fertility.
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